
Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Improving Overall Survival of T2-4an0m0 Bladder Cancer Patients: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis According to Eau Covid-19 Recommendation

原文: 2022 年 发布于 Journal of Clinical Medicine 47 卷 第 1 期 647-653 浏览量:318次

Although many studies on bladder cancer and the microbiome have been conducted so far, useful strains at the species level have not yet been identified. In addition, in the case of urine studies, methodological heterogeneity is too great, and in tissue studies, the species level through shotgun analysis has not been revealed, and studies using stool samples have provided only limited information. In this review, we will review all the microbiome studies related to bladder cancer so far through a systematic review.
