
Diagnostic Accuracy of Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Tumor Staging of Bladder Cancer: Meta-Analysis

原文: 2019 年 发布于 Arch Esp Urol 11 卷 第 2 期 197 浏览量:332次

OBJECTIVE: To identify scale validation studies for life quality evaluation in patients with bladder cancer. METHODS: Bibliographic search was performed on MEDLINE® via ovid, EMBASE, CENTRAL and LILACS. Subsequently, each of the articles was evaluated, identifying eligibility criteria. This information was confirmed and verified by the researchers, and in cases of missing information, the authors were contacted to complete the data. Due to the nature of the study, no statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: From 1760 articles found, only 5were included in the qualitative analysis. Five validated questionnaires for quality of life in patients with bladder cancer (BCI, EORTC QLQ-NMIBC24, FACT-VCI, BUSS, FACT-BL). The BCI; most frequently used instrument in bladder cancer studies published to date. The FACT-VCI, instrument of application limited to unique therapeutic options within the spectrum of the disease. The EORTC QLQ-NMIBC24, widely acceptable questionnaire in the European community due to its psychometric characteristics. The BUSS evaluates the patient regardless the stage of the disease. The FACT-BL evaluates life quality in patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. CONCLUSION: The use of validated instruments such as: BCI, EORTC QLQ-NMIBC24, FACT-VI, BUSS and FACT-BL which allow evaluating the impact of disease and the established therapies, is recommended.
