
Karyopherin alpha 2-role in determining outcome for patients with bladder cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

原文: 2021 年 发布于 Cancers (Basel) 79 卷 第 2 期 965-966 浏览量:252次

OBJECTIVES: To review the current evidence on the relationship between three proposed mediators (comorbidities, hospital type, and treatment delays) for the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and bladder cancer survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six different searches using OVID (Medline and Embase) were carried out to collate information available between the proposed mediators with both SES and survival in bladder cancer. This systematic review was conducted according to a pre-defined protocol and in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. RESULTS: A total of 49 studies were included in the review across the six searches (one appeared in two searches). There was a wealth of studies investigating the relationship between each of the proposed mediators with survival in bladder cancer patients. In general, a higher SES, lower comorbidities, and a larger hospital volume were all found to be associated with a decreased risk of death in bladder cancer patients. There was, however, a paucity of studies investigating the associations between these mediators and SES in bladder cancer patients. CONCLUSIONS: To gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between SES and survival identified in several observational studies, further investigations into the relationship between the proposed mediators and SES are warranted. Moreover, modifiable mediators, eg, treatment delay, highlight the importance of the standardization of clinical care across SES groups for all bladder cancer patients.
