
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review and Two-Step Meta-Analysis

原文: 2016 年 发布于 Medicine 浏览量:190次

作者: Yin M. Joshi M. Meijer R. P. Glantz M. Holder S. Harvey H. A. Kaag M. Fransen van de Putte E. E. Horenblas S. Drabick J. J.

作者单位: School of Health Sciences, The University of Manchester, and Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK, M13 9PL.

归属分类: 膀胱肿瘤治疗及预后证据

DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000022891


Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of bipolar and monopolar transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) procedures for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients. Materials and Methods: We searched for all studies investigating bipolar TURBT and monopolar TURBT for NMIBC patients in PubMed, Web of Knowledge, and the Cochrane Central Search Library. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed. Efficacy was assessed by catheterization time, resection time, pathology, and recurrence rate. Safety was assessed by obturator nerve reflex, bladder perforation, hemoglobin decrease, and transfusion. Results: Our searches identified eight studies. Bipolar TURBT is associated with decreased resection time, catheterization time, and hemoglobin changes. There were no statistically significant differences between bipolar TURBT and monopolar TURBT for rates of obturator nerve reflex, bladder perforation, and transfusion. The grade of cautery artifact had no different between the two procedures or even was lower in the bipolar arm. There was no significant difference in recurrence rate when comparing the two procedures. Conclusions: This systematic review indicates that the bipolar technique is more efficacious and safer for NMIBC patients. More large-scale, multicenter, randomized controlled studies are needed before final clinical recommendations can be made.
