
病理亚型分期对非肌层浸润性膀胱癌预后的预测价值的 meta 分析

原文: 2016 年 发布于 Jpn J Clin Oncol 浏览量:224次

作者: 闫鑫

作者单位: Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Department of Oncology, Division of Urology, University of Turin, San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital, Orbassano (Turin), Italy. Electronic address: paoloverri05@gmail.com. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Department of Urology, APHM, North Academic Hospital, Marseille, France Department of Urology, La Croix du Sud Hôpital, Quint Fonsegrives, France. Electronic address: michael.baboudjian@outlook.fr. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Department of Urology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center-IRCCS, Rozzano, Italy. Electronic address: pietrosdiana@gmail.com. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: andrea.gallioli@gmail.com. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: territoangelo86@gmail.com. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: jmgaya@hotmail.com. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: jhuguet@fundacio-puigvert.es. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: orodriguez@fundacio-puigvert.es. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: jpalou@fundacio-puigvert.es. Department of Urology, Fundació Puigvert, Autonoma University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Electronic address: albbred@gmail.com.

归属分类: 膀胱肿瘤治疗及预后证据

DOI: 10.1097/cad.0000000000001449


Rs1495741 has been identified to infer N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) acetylator phenotype, and to decrease the risk of bladder cancer. However, a number of studies conducted in various regions showed controversial results. To quantify the association between rs1495741 and the risk of bladder cancer and to estimate the interaction effect of this genetic variant with smoking, we performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis involving 14,815 cases and 58,282 controls from 29 studies. Our results indicates rs1495741 significantly associated with bladder cancer risk (OR=0.85, 95% CI=0.82-0.89, test for heterogeneity P=0.36, I-2=7.0%). And we verified this association in populations from Europe, America, and Asia. Further, our stratified meta-analysis showed rs1495741's role is typically evident only in ever smokers, which suggests its interaction with smoking. This study may provide new insight into gene-environment study on bladder cancer.
