
膀胱癌组织 Caveolin-1 表达与膀胱癌病理分级和临床分期相关性的 Meta 分析

原文: 2017 年 发布于 Environment International 浏览量:240次

作者: 胡裕东 杨占斌

作者单位: Département de Diagnostic Génétique, Hôpital Zhongnan de l'Université de Wuhan, 169 Rue Donghu, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, Chine. Institut Curie, PSL Research University, CNRS, UMR 144, F-75005, Paris, France. Université Paris Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, UMR 144, F-91405 Orsay, France. Centre de Médecine Fondée sur les Preuves et de Médecine Translationelle, Hôpital Zhongnan de l'Université de Wuhan, 169 Rue Donghu, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, Chine. Département de Médecine Fondée sur les Preuves et d'Epidémiologie Clinique, Deuxième École de Médecine Clinique de l'Université de Wuhan, 169 Rue Donghu, Wuchang, Wuhan 430071, Chine.

归属分类: 膀胱肿瘤病因/危险因素证据

DOI: 10.1007/s00345-019-02779-7


With meta-analysis we tented to reveal the potential relationship between daily fluid consumption and bladder cancer risk, and to find out a recommendation on daily fluid intake. Databases of the Web of Science, PubMed and EMBASE were searched then 21 case-control and 5 cohort studies were included. Stratified analyses on gender, region, time of subjects recruiting and fluid quantity were performed as well as dose-response meta-analysis. Comparing the highest exposure category with the lowest in each study, no association appeared when all data pooled together (p=0.50), but a significant OR of 1.46 (1.02-2.08, p=0.04) was found in male subgroup. For different regions, the summarized OR was 1.44 (1.10-1.89) in American case-control studies, 1.87 (1.20-2.90) in European male subgroup and 0.24 (0.10-0.60) in Asia. There was a significant relationship that each increment 1000ml daily consumption would increase the risk by 28.6% in European male (p=0.007). Similarly every additional 1000ml consumption may increase the OR by 14.9% in American people but the association wasn't that strong (p=0.057). Stratified analyses showed fluid consumption over 3000ml/day in American residents and 2000ml/day in European male resulted in OR>1 with statistical significance. In conclusion, a relationship between higher fluid intake and higher bladder cancer risk was observed in European male and American residents and a limitation to <2000ml and <3000ml per day are recommended respectively.
